Repositorio Dspace

Listar por tema "241Am-Be neutron source"

Listar por tema "241Am-Be neutron source"

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  • Gallego Díaz, Eduardo; Amgarou, Khalil; Bedogni, Roberto; Domingo, Carles; Esposito, Adolfo; Lorente, Alfredo; Mendez Villafañe, Roberto; Vega Carrillo, Héctor René (International Radiation Protection Association, 2012-05)
    An automated panoramic irradiator with a 111 GBq (3 Ci) 241Am-Be neutron source is installed in a bunker-type large room (16.25 m long, 8.90 m width, 8 m high) at UPM. The irradiation bench is placed at 3 m from the ...